What Does It Mean to Be a Person of Integrity

The importance of integrity in the workplace (with examples)


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What is integrity?

What does information technology hateful to have integrity at work?

Central examples of integrity in the workplace

Why is it of import to have integrity in the workplace?

Demonstrating integrity at work

Prioritizing integrity in the workplace

I once had a manager that lived by a strong moral code. She was strict but fair. Her greatest strength was making everyone around her feel seen and heard. 1 of her core values as a leader was the importance of integrity in the workplace, and it showed.

From fostering an open up and positive piece of work environs to promoting strong and resilient teams, integrity in the workplace is important for both employers and employees.

Let's review what integrity means, how to show it, and why integrity in the workplace matters.

What is integrity?

Before we go any further, permit'due south clear up what integrity means.

Integrity as a concept

Integrity ways being honest and having stiff moral principles. A person with integrity behaves ethically and does the right matter, even behind closed doors.

For example, informing a cashier that they gave y'all likewise much change and going dorsum to the shop to pay for something you forgot to pay for are two examples of showing integrity in everyday circumstances.

Examples of traits associated with integrity

integrity-traits-- what is integrity

Beyond having potent ethical standards, having integrity means you:

  • Expressing gratitude for others
  • Valuing honesty and openness
  • Taking responsibleness and accountability for your deportment, good and bad
  • Respecting yourself and others around you no matter where you are
  • Demonstrating reliability and trustworthiness
  • Showing patience and flexibility, even when unexpected obstacles show up

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What does information technology mean to have integrity at work?

Integrity in the workplace is the same every bit it is exterior of work. The but difference is that integrity at work supports a company and leader's set up of moral and ethical standards. This will event both in happier employers and employees.

For instance, reviewing policies and procedures before starting a complex task or existence honest most forgetting to practice an of import task are two examples of showing integrity at piece of work.


Having integrity at work ways you:

  1. Are reliable and dependable (i.e., you show upwards to work on time)
  2. Are trustworthy, especially with classified information and loftier-gamble tasks
  3. Practice and encourage open up communication with your colleagues and managers
  4. Are respectful, honest, and patient with your colleagues, managers, and customers
  5. Have a strong piece of work ethic and strive to produce high-quality piece of work consistently
  6. Are responsible for your actions, especially when yous brand a fault
  7. Make sound decisions, fifty-fifty nether high-stress situations
  8. Are equipped to provide high-quality service to your customers

Organizations with integrity proceed high-value customers, reduce employee turnover, improve productivity, and make smart decisions.

Key examples of integrity in the workplace


Example 1: being honest when faced with a difficult claiming

Kate, a kindergarten instructor, has been struggling to aid two of her students get along. The two students often push button and hitting each other, call each other names, and sometimes fifty-fifty get the remainder of the class involved.

Considering of this conflict, the two students can't concentrate on assignments and are struggling to turn in work on fourth dimension. Sometimes the disharmonize also prevents the rest of the class from staying focused on their work.

Afterwards trying to solve the problem on her own, Kate reaches out to the school chief. The principal values her honesty. Subsequently discussing the problem with the two students, they enquire the school advisor to mediate the state of affairs.

After, they give the students the adventure to rejoin the class, with the expectation to show improved behavior.

Thanks to Kate's honesty virtually facing a difficult challenge:

  • The ii students were able to resolve the disharmonize without switching classes.
  • Kate'due south class regained focus and began turning in assignments on time.
  • Kate earned more than trust from her principal.

Example two: owning upward to mistakes

Jared, a banker and loan officer, has just accustomed a new position every bit a home equity loan officer at a nearby bank. During his get-go month of employment, he mentors under some other loan officer and takes notes to understand his responsibilities.

During the 2nd calendar month of employment, he meets with his manager and his mentor nearly managing a new loan awarding.

Nether the impression that they would be working on this loan every bit a squad, Jared collects the client's loan application, stores it in the online directory for his director and mentor to finish, so moves on to other tasks.

Two weeks later, he comes across the same loan awarding and realizes no one ever sent the application to the underwriter for blessing. It turns out it wasn't meant to be a team effort — Jared was responsible for the loan application all along.

Embarrassed by his error, Jared turns to his manager to explicate the situation. Although his managing director isn't happy that the loan application was never processed, he appreciates Jared's transparency.

Cheers to Jared owning up to his mistake:

  • The manager was able to help Jared speed up the loan process.
  • Jared understood that he was officially responsible for his customers' loan applications on his own.
  • Jared's director valued his transparency and taking responsibility for his error.

Example iii: doing the right thing, even when nobody'due south watching

Mary, a digital marketer, is in the heart of a huge project with her team. They're in charge of planning 90 days worth of digital content for a new client by Th morning.

On Mon and Tuesday, Mary and the other team members work hard on the project. Withal, by Wednesday, morale is low, and her teammates kickoff to movement slower and slower.

When the marketing managing director announces she'll be leaving for the rest of the day to attend a funeral, the team breathes a sigh of relief. And then, they stop working on the projection altogether.

While her teammates waste matter time, Mary continues with her work, fifty-fifty though her manager is gone.

Not wanting to disturb her manager during a funeral, Mary politely tries to encourage her team to get back to piece of work. While nearly of the team members don't listen, a few of them decide to pitch in to help her cease the project.

By the end of Wednesday, Mary and a few teammates finished the projection without help from the rest of the squad. On Thursday, Mary met with her director to explain what happened and plow in the last project.

Thanks to Mary doing the right thing:

  • The project was turned in on time.
  • Her director set up accountability checkpoints for the squad.
  • Her managing director promoted her to team supervisor.

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Why is it of import to take integrity in the workplace?


Integrity is important in the workplace considering it:

1. Promotes better leaders

Companies that concord their managers up to high ethical standards promote strong and upstanding leaders.

Leaders with integrity understand that their actions, words, and decisions shape the company'south values, culture, and morale. They value their customers, become role models for their team, and human activity with proficient intentions rather than with selfish motives.

2. Helps foster an open and positive work surround

A stiff organization values integrity as a fashion to foster an open and positive work surroundings. When employees know their company operates based on strong values, they feel comfortable sharing ideas, connecting with their squad, and beingness themselves.

3. Promotes an ethical arroyo to controlling

From protecting stakeholders to creating new products, upholding strong moral standards in the workplace helps team members make deliberate, thoughtful decisions.

four. Encourages diversity, disinterestedness, and inclusion

Companies that promote integrity value having a diverse squad. They welcome a multifariousness of perspectives, celebrate differences, and strive for equality in the workplace.

five. Promotes strong and resilient teams

Teams are strong and resilient when they have a gear up of standards equally guidance. They also feel a sense of meaning and purpose at work. This contributes to their morale, productivity, and engagement.

6. Actively builds and maintains trust

Honesty and integrity are the main pillars of trust — an essential component for building credibility. Every bit businesses strive to go on customers and employees, their credibility is the driving force that influences them to stay.

Demonstrating integrity at work

Here are five ways to demonstrate integrity in the workplace:

1. Respect others' opinions

1 of the all-time means to demonstrate integrity at work is past honoring your colleagues' and managers' opinions and ideas, even if you disagree.

For instance, instead of turning downwardly an thought, effort to see things from their perspective first. Why do you think they chose that thought? Could y'all be incorrect with your opinion?

If yous're unclear nearly what they mean, kindly ask for clarification or ask specific questions to sympathize. For example, you could say, "Can y'all delight explain how we could implement your thought step-by-step?" Or, "Can yous clarify what you mean by ___?"

Or, you tin utilise the tried-and-true 'treat others how you want to be treated' philosophy when responding.

2. Address conflict honestly and respectfully

Workplace conflict can quickly turn into a glutinous situation and may even lead to termination if not handled well. The best way to address conflict is to respond calmly, honestly, and respectfully.

First, make sure yous understand what the conflict is actually virtually. Is a customer unhappy with a transaction? Do you disagree with your director's determination? Why?

Once you're clear on the root of the disharmonize, validate feelings, apologize if needed, and try to achieve a solution. If y'all can't observe a solution, ask for support from a managing director or HR if needed.

3. Be a role model

Modeling integrity is a powerful way to be a change-maker at your organization. This means taking responsibleness for your decisions and deportment, peculiarly when you brand a mistake. Existence honest and respectful, keeping your promises, and staying engaged with your piece of work is crucial.

As a part model, you'll not only encourage other team members to follow adjust, simply you'll too promote a positive company culture.

four. Be ready to piece of work

Coming to work prepared and ready to tackle your responsibilities is essential to integrity at piece of work.

Gear up yourself up for a productive day past eating a healthy breakfast, getting enough sleep the dark before, and etching out some alone time before heading to work. Have your morning even farther by calculation a health practice like mindfulness meditation, tai-chi, or yoga.

When you become to work, take hold of a notepad and programme your schedule for the solar day. What do you need to accomplish past the end of the day? Who exercise you need to speak with?

Once yous're set on your goals for the twenty-four hours, make sure yous have all the tools you need to complete your piece of work. Then, start taking activeness and check off the items on your to-practise list, one by one.

5. Report unethical beliefs

It may seem uncomfortable to report your colleagues or managers for unethical behavior. Withal, it'southward a vital part of property your company accountable to the moral standards they've prepare in place.

When reporting unethical behavior, be every bit specific equally possible. Explicate who offended company policies, how they offended them, and where and when you saw the activeness take place.

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Prioritizing integrity in the workplace

Having integrity in the workplace is essential to edifice trust with your colleagues and managers. It's likewise integral for making ethical decisions, and addressing challenges calmly and purposefully.

Need help sharpening your integrity? Discover your strengths and attain your goals with BetterUp's personalized coaching.

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Published June 2, 2021

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Source: https://www.betterup.com/blog/integrity-in-the-workplace

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