Review - Handel the Coronation of King George Ii Dvd

Initiation rite performed to crown George V of the UK and his married woman Mary in 1911

Coronation of George V and Mary
KingGeorgeV QueenMary Coronation1911.png

The King and Queen in their coronation robes

Date 22 June 1911 (1911-06-22)
Location Westminster Abbey, London, England
  • Rex George V
  • Mary of Teck
  • Not bad Officers of State
  • Archbishops and Bishops Assistant of the Church building of England
  • Garter Primary King of Arms
  • Peers of the Realm
  • Mistress of the Robes

The coronation of George V and his wife Mary every bit rex and queen of the United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland and the British Dominions, and equally emperor and empress of Bharat took identify at Westminster Abbey, London, on 22 June 1911. This was the second of four such events held during the 20th century and the last to exist attended by royal representatives of the great continental European empires.

Preparations [edit]

Planning [edit]

The west front of Westminster Abbey in 1911, showing the temporary Coronation annexe in the Gothic way.

The overall planning of the coronation was theoretically the role of the Earl Align, a hereditary office held past the Dukes of Norfolk for several centuries. At the coronation of King Edward VII in 1902, the driving force had been Viscount Esher in his capacity as Secretary to the Office of Works, a position which had since been filled by Sir Schomberg Kerr McDonnell. Still, in the interim, the Earl Align, Henry Fitzalan-Howard, 15th Knuckles of Norfolk, had reasserted his ancient right to organise the great land events, despite having a personal dislike of ceremonial and having lilliputian capability equally an organiser. The Earl Marshal had no permanent staff and was obliged to engage a new one for each upshot. This organisation had proved highly unsatisfactory for Edward VII's land funeral, when the ceremonial directions were institute to be full of errors and had to be rewritten by courtiers on the previous evening, the printed order of service was wrong, and the seating of guests was alleged to be "a mosaic of indecision and defoliation". King George described Norfolk equally "a mannerly, honourable, straightforward little gentleman, the finest in the world. Just as a man of business he is absolutely impossible".[1]

Despite the objections of the College of Heralds and the Duke of Norfolk, a compromise was reached at the insistence of the Prime Minister, H. H. Asquith, whereby Norfolk would be chairman of the Coronation Executive Committee, but the detailed work would be done by the professional staff of the Office of Works rather than by Norfolk'due south appointees.[2]

Infrastructure [edit]

Equally with all modern British coronations, a temporary extension or annexe was built at the west front of Westminster Abbey to allow the forming up of the processions before their entry into the church. As in the 1902 coronation, information technology was designed by the builder Alfred Young Nutt in the Gothic Revival style, matching the architecture of the abbey itself. Inside the abbey, the traditional ceremonial areas known every bit the theatre and the sacrarium had to be constructed, along with the galleries and boxes to adjust the congregation. Post-obit the arrangements for 1902, information technology was decided to limit the congregation to 6,000, far fewer than at earlier coronations.[iii] More than 50 grandstands were erected along the route of the processions, varying in size from seating 250 to 3,500 spectators each. The construction of these required ii,100 Royal tons (2,134 tonnes) of timber and 70 tons (71 tonnes) of bolts, nails and screws.[4]

Festival of Empire [edit]

The Festival of Empire opened on 12 May 1911 at the Crystal Palace in London, an exhibition of British and Imperial trade and culture to gloat the upcoming coronation.

The service [edit]

"King George Five and Queen Mary occupying their chairs of manor on the s side of the altar during that role of the coronation service which precedes the anointing". An official photograph by Sir John Benjamin Stone (1838–1914).

The order of service was prepared by Claude Jenkins, the Lambeth Palace librarian, an eccentric grapheme who was an antiquarian and patristic scholar. He was supervised by Armitage Robinson, the Dean of Westminster, who insisted that innovation be balanced past tradition. In fact, there was piddling change from the 1902 coronation, or at to the lowest degree that which had been intended, since the service had been shortened because of Edward's poor wellness. Randall Davidson, who as the Bishop of Winchester, had largely compiled the 1902 coronation service, was now Archbishop of Canterbury. Davidson sought the advice of Frank Edward Brightman, a liturgist from Magdalen College, Oxford. The main changes were to the words spoken at the bodily crowning, which replaced those showtime used at the Coronation of James Two with a translation of the simpler medieval form,[five] and the coronation sermon, which had been omitted in 1902, was reintroduced for the last time, only in a shorter grade.[6] The service was conducted past Davidson, including the crowning of the queen, which in 1902 had been delegated to the Archbishop of York.[7]

Music [edit]

The Director of Music, every bit in 1902, was Sir Frederick Bridge. Equally at the previous event, Span aimed to produce a celebration of four hundred years of English music,[viii] including work by Thomas Tallis, John Merbecke and George Frederick Handel. Bridge himself wrote a new anthem, Rejoice in the Lord, O ye righteous, the tenor solo for which was performed by Edward Lloyd. The organist was Walter Alcock, who also wrote a new setting for the Sanctus.[9] Sir Hubert Parry wrote an orchestral introduction for his setting of Psalm 122, I Was Glad which had made a corking bear upon at the 1902 coronation, and also a new setting of the Te Deum, which was less well received, maybe because the choir was exhausted at the finish of the three-hour service.[10] More successful was a new setting of the Gloria by Charles Villiers Stanford which was also used at the coronations of 1937 and 1953.[11] New orchestral music included a Coronation March by Edward Elgar, who despite existence awarded the Social club of Merit in the coronation honours list, inexplicably refused to attend in person.[12]

The Processions-in-State [edit]

The processions to the Abbey [edit]

The first of 3 processions left Buckingham Palace at nine:30 am. Information technology consisted of representatives of strange royal families and governments, carried in fourteen carriages.[thirteen] The second procession had five country landaus for members of the British royal family; the 5th contained the male monarch and queen'south children, the Prince of Wales, Princess Mary and the young Princes Albert, Henry and George.[14] The 3rd procession brought the officers of state in a further iv carriages and the twenty-fifth and final carriage, the Gold State Coach carrying the king and queen. They were surrounded past equerries, aides-de-camp and the commanders of the military mounted on horseback, all escorted by Yeomen of the Guard, colonial and Indian cavalry and the Imperial Equus caballus Guards.[xv]

The render processions [edit]

Following the coronation service, the three processions returned to the palace in reverse gild and by an extended road, passing through Drapery Mall, St James'southward Street, Piccadilly and Constitution Colina.[16] Some 45,000 soldiers and sailors from beyond the empire either participated in the procession or lined the road.[4]

Later the terminate of the procession, there was an unexpected innovation, the appearance of the king and queen on the balcony of Buckingham Palace. This created such excitement that the soldiers outside the palace broke ranks and joined in the cheering. Co-ordinate to one account, "some of them put their helmets on their rifles and waved them vigorously aloft".[17] That evening, the master buildings in fundamental London were illuminated with strings of electric lights until 12:thirty am.[18]

The royal progress through the City [edit]

On the following twenty-four hour period, the return procession was reconstituted for a further parade through the streets of the capital, this time passing along The Strand and into the City of London, by St Paul'southward Cathedral, across the River Thames past London Bridge, along Borough High Street, back over Westminster Bridge and finally returning up The Mall to Buckingham Palace. Instead of the Aureate Coach, the king and queen were driven in an open landau. The place of the foreign royalty was taken by Indian princes and colonial rulers.[xix] This fourth dimension, 55,000 troops were on duty.[iv]

The Coronation Review of the Fleet [edit]

On 24 June, the king and queen attended the Coronation Review of the Fleet at Spithead between the naval base of operations of Portsmouth and the Isle of Wight. The Royal Navy had 167 warships in attendance, together with eighteen ships from foreign navies; they were arranged in five lines, each vi miles (10 kilometres) in length, through which the purple party steamed in review, aboard the royal yacht, HMYVictoria and Albert. The oversupply of spectators ashore was estimated to number a quarter of a 1000000.[xx]

The Delhi Coronation Durbar [edit]

On 11 November 1911, the king and queen left Portsmouth aboard RMSMedina jump for the Indian Empire.[21] Arriving in Bombay (nowadays solar day Bombay) on 2 December, they reached Delhi by train on 7 December for a ceremonial state entry.[22] The durbar itself was on 12 Dec, attended by an estimated 100,000 people, both watching and participating.[23]

Guests [edit]

British Royal Family unit [edit]

The Prince of Wales in his coronation robes, with his sister, Princess Mary, photographed at Buckingham Palace immediately after their return from the coronation by Ian Douglas Campbell-Gray (1901-1946)

  • The Prince of Wales, the Rex and Queen's son
  • The Prince Albert, the King and Queen's son
  • The Princess Mary, the King and Queen's daughter
  • The Prince Henry, the King and Queen's son
  • The Prince George, the Male monarch and Queen'southward son
  • The Princess Royal and The Knuckles of Fife, the King's sis and brother-in-law
    • Princess Alexandra, the Rex'south niece
    • Princess Maud, the King's niece
  • The Princess Victoria, the Male monarch's sis
  • Saxe-Coburg and Gotha The Dowager Duchess of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, the King's paternal aunt past marriage
    • Kingdom of Romania The Crown Princess and Crown Prince of Romania, the Rex's first cousin and her husband (representing the King of Romania)
  • Princess and Prince Christian of Schleswig-Holstein, the King's paternal aunt and uncle
    • Prince Albert of Schleswig-Holstein, the King's first cousin
    • Princess Helena Victoria of Schleswig-Holstein, the King's first cousin
    • Princess Marie Louise of Schleswig-Holstein, the Male monarch's starting time cousin
  • The Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyll and The Knuckles of Argyll, the King'southward paternal aunt and uncle
  • The Duke and Duchess of Connaught and Strathearn, the King's paternal uncle and aunt
    • Sweden The Crown Princess and Crown Prince of Sweden, the King'southward starting time cousin and her husband (representing the King of Sweden)
    • Prince Arthur of Connaught, the King's start cousin
    • Princess Patricia of Connaught, the King's showtime cousin
  • The Dowager Duchess of Albany, the King's paternal aunt by marriage
    • Princess and Prince Alexander of Teck, the King'southward beginning cousin and the Queen's brother
    • Saxe-Coburg and Gotha The Duke and Duchess of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, the King'due south first cousin and 2nd cousin
  • Princess Henry of Battenberg, the King's paternal aunt
    • Prince Alexander of Battenberg, the King's commencement cousin
    • Prince Leopold of Battenberg, the Rex's starting time cousin
    • Prince Maurice of Battenberg, the King'south start cousin
  • Princess and Prince Louis of Battenberg, the King's offset cousin and her husband
    • Princess Louise of Battenberg, the King's first cousin once removed
    • Prince George of Battenberg, the King'due south first cousin once removed
  • The Duke and Duchess of Teck, the Queen's brother and sister-in-law
    • Prince George of Teck, the Queen's nephew
    • Princess Mary of Teck, the Queen's niece
    • Princess Helena of Teck, the Queen'due south niece
  • Princess Victor of Hohenlohe-Langenburg, widow of the King'southward half-first cousin once removed
    • Countess Feodora Gleichen, the Male monarch's half-second cousin
    • Count Edward Gleichen, the King's one-half-2nd cousin
    • Countess Valda Machel, the King's half-second cousin
    • Countess Helena Gleichen, the King'south one-half-second cousin
  • The Earl of Munster, the King'due south third cousin
  • Lt. Col. Charles FitzClarence, the King's third cousin

Foreign royals [edit]

  • German Empire The German Crown Prince and Crown Princess, the King's first cousin one time removed and his wife (representing the German Emperor)
  • Saxe-Meiningen The Hereditary Princess of Saxe-Meiningen, the King's commencement cousin (representing the Duke of Saxe-Meiningen)
  • Kingdom of Prussia Prince Henry of Prussia, the King'southward offset cousin
  • The Hereditary Princess and Prince of Hesse, the King'due south first cousin and her husband
  • Grand Duchy of Hesse The Grand Knuckles and Grand Duchess of Hesse and by Rhine, the King's first cousin and his wife
  • Denmark The Crown Prince of Denmark, the King's first cousin (representing the King of Kingdom of denmark)
  • Kingdom of Greece The Duke and Duchess of Sparta, the King'due south start cousins, (representing the King of the Hellenes)
    • Kingdom of Greece Prince George of Hellenic republic and Denmark, the King'southward double start cousin once removed
  • Kingdom of Greece Prince and Princess George of Greece and Denmark, the Male monarch'southward start cousin and his wife
  • Grand Duchy of Baden Princess and Prince Maximilian of Baden, the Male monarch's beginning cousin and her hubby (representing the M Knuckles of Baden)
  • The Hereditary Prince of Hanover, the King'southward commencement cousin
  • Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin The Grand Duchess and Yard Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, the King's first cousin and her husband
  • Prince Ernest Augustus of Hanover and Cumberland, the King'southward start cousin
  • Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Strelitz The Thou Knuckles of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, the Queen's first cousin
  • Saxe-Coburg and Gotha Prince Philipp of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, the King'southward second cousin once removed
    • Saxe-Coburg and Gotha Prince Leopold Clement of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, the King's third cousin
  • The Duke of Schleswig-Holstein, the King's third cousin
  • Kingdom of Bulgaria The Prince of Tarnovo, the King's third cousin (representing the Tsar of Bulgaria)
  • Kingdom of Württemberg Knuckles Albrecht of Württemberg, the King'southward third cousin (representing the King of Württemberg)
  • Ottoman Empire The Crown Prince of the Ottoman Empire (representing the Ottoman Sultan)
  • Austria-Hungary Archduke Karl of Austria (representing the Austrian Emperor)
  • Kingdom of Italy The Duke and Duchess of Aosta (representing the King of Italy)
  • Russian Empire Grand Duke Boris Vladimirovich of Russia (representing the Tsar of Russian federation)
  • Spain Infante Ferdinand of Espana (representing the King of Spain)
  • Empire of Japan Prince and Princess Higashifushimi of Nippon (representing the Emperor of Japan)
  • Kingdom of Serbia The Crown Prince of Serbia (representing the King of Serbia)
  • Thailand Prince Chakrabongse Bhuvanath of Siam (representing the Male monarch of Siam)
  • Bavaria Prince Rupprecht of Bavaria (representing the Prince Regent of Bavaria)
  • Saxony Prince and Princess Johann Georg of Saxony (representing the Rex of Saxony)
  • Netherlands The Prince of the Netherlands (representing the Queen of the Netherlands)
  • Qing dynasty Prince Zaizhen of China (representing the Emperor of Communist china)
  • Ethiopia Prince Kassa Haile Darge of Ethiopia (representing the Emperor of Ethiopia)
  • Khedivate of Egypt Prince Mohammed Ali Tewfik of Egypt (representing the Khedive of Egypt and Sudan)
  • Monaco The Hereditary Prince of Monaco (representing the Prince of Monaco)
  • Madho Rao Scindia, Maharaja of Gwalior
  • Pratap Singh, Maharaja of Idar
  • Ganga Singh, Maharaja of Bikaner

King George Five Coronation Medal

Other dignitaries [edit]

See also [edit]

  • Coronation of the British monarch
  • List of British coronations
  • Male monarch George V Coronation Medal
  • 1911 Coronation Honours

References [edit]

  1. ^ Kuhn, pp. 129-130
  2. ^ Kuhn, p. 133
  3. ^ Stiff 2005, pp. 459-460
  4. ^ a b c The Rule, p. 8
  5. ^ Strong, p.480
  6. ^ Stiff, Roy, Coronation, p.477
  7. ^ Stiff, p.479
  8. ^ Richards, p. 104
  9. ^ Musical Times, p. 433
  10. ^ Range, p. 241]
  11. ^ Beeson, p. 73
  12. ^ Moore p. 622
  13. ^ Milne, p. 5
  14. ^ Milne, p. eight
  15. ^ Milne, pp. 11-nineteen
  16. ^ Milne, pp. 53-54
  17. ^ Milne, p. 56
  18. ^ Milne, p. 58
  19. ^ Milne, pp. sixty-61
  20. ^ Milne, p. 79
  21. ^ Milne, p. 85
  22. ^ Milne, p. 89
  23. ^ "The Delhi Durbar, 1911". National Army Museum. Retrieved nineteen December 2017.
  24. ^ "The London Gazette, Supplement: 28535 (p. 7077)". 26 September 1911.

External links [edit]

  • "Westminster Abbey - George V Coronation Music, 1911" (PDF). The Dean and Chapter of Westminster Abbey. Retrieved 22 June 2019.
  • "Coronation Of Rex George 5 1911". British Pathé. Retrieved 29 December 2017. Various [newsreel] shots of the Coronation procession for King George V.
  • "Coronation Of His Majesty King George 5 1911". British Pathé. Retrieved 29 December 2017. Coronation procession passing nether Admiralty Arch. Various cavalry troops and carriages... Yeomen of the Guard. Colonial troops... The state coach begetting King George V and Queen Mary to the Coronation comes past.
  • "King George 5. Naval Review 1911". British Pathé. Retrieved 29 Dec 2017. Male monarch George Five attends a naval review. The royal yacht steams slowly up and downward the long lines of warships assembled for the review.
  • "The Great Coronation Durbar - Delhi 1911". British Pathé. Retrieved 29 December 2017. Delhi, India. Pan across huge dais in the midst of a massive loonshit. Thousands of troops form upwardly and hundreds of ceremonious and military dignitaries get in. King George 5 and Queen Mary make it and have the place on the dais where they receive homage.

Sources [edit]

Books [edit]

  • Beeson, Trevor (2009). In Tuneful Accordance: The Church Musicians. SCM Press. ISBN978-0-334-04193-1.
  • Kuhn, William M (1996). Democratic Royalism: The Transformation of the British Monarchy, 1861-1914. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN978-0312159559.
  • Matthew, H. C. G. (September 2004; online edition May 2009) George V (1865–1936), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, doi:ten.1093/ref:odnb/33369, retrieved 1 May 2010 (Subscription required)
  • Milne, J Hogarth (1914). Great United kingdom in the Coronation Year. London: W H Allen & Company Ltd.
  • Moore, Jerrold Northrop (1999). Edward Elgar: A Artistic Life. Clarendon Printing. ISBN978-0198163664.
  • Range, Matthias (2012). Music and Ceremonial at British Coronations: From James I to Elizabeth II. Cambridge University Press. ISBN978-1-107-02344-4.
  • Richards, Jeffrey (2001). Imperialism and Music: Britain, 1876-1953. Manchester University Printing. ISBN0-7190-6143-1.
  • Stiff, Sir Roy (2005). Coronation: A History of Kingship and the British Monarchy. London: Harper Collins. ISBN978-0007160549.

Articles [edit]

  • "THE CORONATION". The Rule. Wellington, New Zealand. 21 June 1911. p. viii. Retrieved 19 December 2017.
  • "The Coronation of Male monarch George the Fifth and Queen Mary in Westminster Abbey, June 22, 1911". The Musical Times. 52 (821): 433–437. 1 July 1911. doi:x.2307/907261. JSTOR 907261.


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